Children and youth are welcome at St Mark’s as full members of the community of God’s people.
All workers and volunteers at St Mark’s are required to have current Working With Children Checks and Police Checks. More information on our child safety policies.
Sunday Club
Sunday Club is held during the Sunday 9am service.
Time: During 9:00 AM service
Venue: St Mark’s Church
Children join the beginning of the 9am service in Church before gathering in the Parish Centre for a time of age appropriate activities. We play games, learn from the Bible and pray together.
Enquiries: Pieter Kueneman
Friday night youth
Time: 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM (incl. dinner)
Venue: St Mark’s Church
Friday Night Youth is a ministry for those in years 6-12. We meet every Friday night during the school term and spend time doing engaging activities, reading the Bible and hanging out together.
Enquiries: Pieter Kueneman
Mainly Music
Mainly Music sessions are currently in recess until Term 2 in 2025.
Mondays during school term
Time: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Venue: St Mark’s Hall
Cost: $5 per session
Together parents and their preschool children celebrate the joys of music with singing, dancing and instruments. The session finishes with morning tea and time for free play and conversation.
Enquiries: Sarah Kueneman
Milo Club
Sundays during school term
Time: During 9:00 AM service
Venue: St Mark’s Church
Milo Club takes place during the 9am Sunday service and is for those in years 6-8. We join the beginning of the service in Church, before heading to the Parish Centre to prayerfully talk about God's word and enjoy a mug of Milo together.
Enquiries: Pieter Kueneman