Prominently positioned on the corner of Burke and Canterbury Roads, the beauty of an Anglican wedding service is magnified when conducted in our heritage-listed church building. Our sanctuary has a long centre aisle, a beautiful interior featuring Napier & Christian Waller stained glass windows and a magnificent, recently restored, pipe organ.
Photos by Sayher Heffernan
The joining together of a man and a woman for life is a gift of God. It is to be both celebrated and protected. The clergy at St Mark's are keen to support you as you plan for your life together as a married couple. To be married at St Mark's one party must be baptised. To find out more about baptism, click here.
The Bible shapes marriage such that ‘a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.’ (Genesis 2:24).
If you would like to be married at St Marks there are a few things for the ‘to-do’ list:
confirm that your desired date is available with the church office on on (03) 9882 3776 or
attend a Sunday service and speak with our of our ministers
complete a Notice of Intention to Marry form (NOIM) at least 30 days before your wedding day
participate in marriage preparation sessions
wedding rehearsal
wedding day!
For weddings at St Mark's it is necessary that an Anglican minister conducts the ceremony, according to the marriage rites of the Anglican Church. A non-Anglican minister may be involved in the service (e.g. preach), but cannot conduct the actual ceremony.
Please contact St Mark’s office for information about costs associated with booking your wedding.
Contact us on (03) 9882 3776 or