Sunday: 9:00 am | 11:00 am | 6:00 pm

Thursday Morning

At St Mark’s we want to help people make sense of life. We offer three services on Sunday in addition to Morning Prayer on Thursday.

Throughout the year we come together for significant days in the church calendar and for services of celebration.


9:00 am

This is our largest weekly service. It is congregationally-led, incorporates a variety of musical styles and is focused on the preaching of God’s Word. We celebrate Communion on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month.

Many of our families attend 9:00 AM as Sunday Club runs concurrently for crèche to upper primary aged children, and Milo Club for years 6-8. Find out more about our kids & youth ministries here.

Join us for a drink and food in the Hall afterwards.

11:00 am

This is a Prayer Book service. It is led by one of our clergy and accompanied by our excellent organists and the church pipe organ. We celebrate Communion on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. Join us for a warm morning tea in the Lower Lounge afterwards.


6:00 pm

This is a casual, relaxed service that meets in the church at 6:00 PM. It is congregationally-led, with plenty of opportunities for our young people to serve and grow. On the 1st Sunday of the month, we have a shorter service with communion, and dinner together in the hall to follow. Listen to some of our 6PM sermon series here.

Thursday morning prayer

The Thursday Morning Prayer Group is in recess until the first week in February 2025.

On Thursdays at 9:15 AM, we meet at church and via Zoom for a service of Morning Prayer from the Anglican Prayer Book of Australia. Join us as we start the day in prayer and reading God's Word.