In the sermon I preached last Sunday, we looked at three stories of Jesus after he has just finished preaching his sermon on the mount.
After forty years in a small group, I can affirm what I’m sure that others would say about the value small groups for Christians.
15 But speaking the truth in love, we must grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, 16 from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by every ligament with which it is equipped, as each part is working properly, promotes the body’s growth in building itself up in love. (Ephesians 4:15-16)
Paul encourages us to be part of the church that is ‘working properly.’ That is, as members of the church we should be actively involved in ministry, seeking to build up the body of Christ. Here are a variety of ways you can be a bodybuilder at St Mark’s. Some will depend on your gifting and abilities, but each of these activities demonstrate your love for others in the church through participation and service.
In a recent sermon I highlighted something that Jesus said from John 10:10, ‘I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.’ I suggested that Christianity was far more than a series of dos and don’ts. That, in fact, living as a Christian is the way to have an excellent life, an abundant life. Here are 11 ways that Jesus gives us life abundantly right now. Here are 11 benefits of being a Christian.
Recently in a sermon I said the following,
‘You know, not even a great marriage will be able to satisfy like Jesus. Not even great kids, great friends or a great job will be able to satisfy you. If you put your hope in worldly things—as good as they are—you will come up thirsty. Jesus is the one who can make us never thirsty. He is the one who can give us living water. He’s is the one who can bring us eternal life.’
Some people have asked me why that is. Surely a great marriage or great kids or great friends or a great job are often things we aspire to and they bring us great joy. They are often things we put great amounts of time into. How can I say they won’t satisfy us?
In the sermon I preached last Sunday, we looked at three stories of Jesus after he has just finished preaching his sermon on the mount.
St Mark’s will be using the Hope25 Lenten Studies during the period of Lent, which commences on Ash Wednesday and concludes on Easter Sunday. Hope25 is an initiative of the Anglican Church of Australia, to help us share with others the hope that we have in Jesus.