What's worth reading? — St Marks | Camberwell

What's worth reading?

If you’ve spent 30 seconds on social media in the last week, you’ll know, there’s a lot of stuff to read out there! Much of it has been very helpful, with plenty of good, godly advice for how Christians can, think, live and pray as we all adjust to our new circumstances. Here’s a selection of what the staff at St Mark’s have found useful reading and exploring online:

  1. Ridley College are offering their Bible Overview unit FREE. If you are self-quarantining for a fortnight or resting up at home during these troubling times, why not redeem the time by enrolling in this Bible Overview? It's a six lesson video-based course taught by Mike Raiter and it's entirely free for this month - worth the investment.

  2. This isn’t the first time the world, and the church, have faced a life-threatening pandemic. This blog post is a really helpful overview of how Christians have responded in the past, and full of ideas for how we might respond this time around.

  3. Singapore is a week or two ahead of Australia, in terms of coping with and responding to Coronavirus. This article from Christianity Today is a really insightful look at what several churches there have done to change their programs and practices to cope with life in a lock-down.

  4. The Gospel Coalition has a huge range of articles worth reading. This short article encourages Christians to keep sharing the good news of the gospel with confidence, and with acts of love.

  5. This last one from the Gospel Coalition urges calm as the Coronavirus crisis unfolds. It helps us have confidence in the things we know to be true, despite the ever-changing circumstances we now live in.

We hope you find these useful, and if you have any other suggestions, put them in the comments section below.
