17 April - Maundy Thursday
The service at 7:00pm focuses on the events of the night that Jesus and His disciples had their Last Supper together, reflecting on the final hours He spent ministering to them, in preparation for what was to come and his service to them which includes symbolic washing of the feet to remind us of the humility of Jesus and of serving one another.
18 April - good friday
The service at 10:00am focuses on the reality of Jesus’ sacrifice of Himself on the Cross, and what that means for you today. While a reflective service it is also reminds us of why this Friday is called ‘Good’. It is followed by morning tea with hot cross buns.
19 April - resurrection light (Holy saturday)
The Resurrection Light service at 7:00pm is one of preparation, in anticipation of Easter Day.
A beautiful service by candlelight as we reflect on Jesus’ body lying in the tomb. The service is followed by supper.
20 April - easter day (HE is risen!)
On Easter Sunday we will have one “combined” service at 10:00am to proclaim and celebrate the powerful resurrection of Jesus, the Christ. Please join us to share the joyful hope that Easter gives us.
The service will be followed by morning tea.